I'd like to add my .02 worth to the fray.  In 2000, we visited the AMA HQ at
Muncie.  It was 5 July.  The fields were absolutely the most beautiful
flying sites and terrific facilitiesI have ever seen.  AMA did well to
secure this site for all modelers, both present and future.
This being said,  Muncie has several drawbacks, namely heat and humidity.  I
know there are common detractions in many parts of the country.
I believe that until the AMA or some other large group can locate and secure
multiple flying sites, perhaps a day's drive from  one another within the
continental USA, that the thrust should be to have regional soaring Nats
contests at some of the great flying fields currently available.  Regional
members of the LSF could officiate and supervise these contests, and
rotating them around the country wouldn't put a great burden on any one
group. perhaps, having somewhat similar events at one location and others at
another at a different time, might work.
This is just a thought, don't mean to step on anybody's toes, apologies if I
have offended anyone.
Dave Darling

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