We received this warning today. Please check your hard drives. We found one 
on both the C and the D hard drives.

Paul and Rickie

Just received the following warning from fellow missionaries who had sent
us an email prior to my sending one to yours. Please check out the
following for the sake of your files... ~David

We received this from a friend and now we're sending it along to everyone
in our address book, because we found this virus in our computer too. It
doesn't make itself known in any way that we can detect, and the Norton
Anti Virus program apparently misses it. Follow these instructions and you
should have no problem.

Sorry to do this to you, but a friend sent my a virus by accident. Chances
are, you all have it because I checked to see if I did, and I did. It
transfers to who ever is in your address book. It lies dormant for 14
days, then kills your hard drive.

Here is how to stop it. If you've got it (i.e. if you find the indicated
file), send this to everyone in your address book for their sake.

1. Go to start-then to 'find or search'

2. In the 'search for files or folders' type in: sulfnbk.exe??? This is
the virus file.

3. In the "look in" make sure you're searching drive C

4. hit 'Search' button (or Find)

5. If this file shows up (it's an ugly, blackish icon that will have the
name: sulfnbk.exe)
**** DO NOT OPEN IT! ****

6. Right click on the file - go down to delete and left click (Or simply
hold the "Shift" button down and press the Del/Delete key; then you're
done. If you just press the Del/Delete key, then go to step 7.)

7. It will ask if you want to send it to the recycle bin.---say yes

8. Go to your desktop (where all your icons are) and double click on the
recycle bin. If you don't find the recycle bin icon there, go to My
Computer and find the recycle bin icon for drive C and open it.

9. Right click on sulfnbkexe and delete again or just empty the
recycle bin.

If you find this file......send this email to everyone in your address
book, because that's how it's transferred.

Paul Clark, SKY PILOT ONE, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)

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