This is a HOAX, and a harmful one at that!  sulfnbk.exe is in fact a file
used by Windows 98 and ME...DO NOT DELETE IT.

More information here...

Please verify these things, no matter how much you trust the source.

At 04:12 PM 12/27/01 +0900, Paul & Rickie Clark wrote:
>We received this warning today. Please check your hard drives. We found one 
>on both the C and the D hard drives.
>Paul and Rickie
>Just received the following warning from fellow missionaries who had sent
>us an email prior to my sending one to yours. Please check out the
>following for the sake of your files... ~David
>We received this from a friend and now we're sending it along to everyone
>in our address book, because we found this virus in our computer too. It
>doesn't make itself known in any way that we can detect, and the Norton
>Anti Virus program apparently misses it. Follow these instructions and you
>should have no problem.
>Sorry to do this to you, but a friend sent my a virus by accident. Chances
>are, you all have it because I checked to see if I did, and I did. It
>transfers to who ever is in your address book. It lies dormant for 14
>days, then kills your hard drive.
>Here is how to stop it. If you've got it (i.e. if you find the indicated
>file), send this to everyone in your address book for their sake.
>1. Go to start-then to 'find or search'
>2. In the 'search for files or folders' type in: sulfnbk.exe??? This is
>the virus file.
>3. In the "look in" make sure you're searching drive C
>4. hit 'Search' button (or Find)
>5. If this file shows up (it's an ugly, blackish icon that will have the
>name: sulfnbk.exe)
>**** DO NOT OPEN IT! ****
>6. Right click on the file - go down to delete and left click (Or simply
>hold the "Shift" button down and press the Del/Delete key; then you're
>done. If you just press the Del/Delete key, then go to step 7.)
>7. It will ask if you want to send it to the recycle bin.---say yes
>8. Go to your desktop (where all your icons are) and double click on the
>recycle bin. If you don't find the recycle bin icon there, go to My
>Computer and find the recycle bin icon for drive C and open it.
>9. Right click on sulfnbkexe and delete again or just empty the
>recycle bin.
>If you find this file......send this email to everyone in your address
>book, because that's how it's transferred.
>Paul Clark, SKY PILOT ONE, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)
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