David Judson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks John.  I already bought the orange stuff at Gyro today.  I was going to put some >braided line on it, but there's Turner's down the street.  Is mono just mono? or is there >something special that you've had good luck with
I've received a suprising amount of similar replies to my quick post about "the only way"
to do bungee, so I'll answer to the group. David I hope you don't mind.
I use 200+ test mono because I have gobs and gobs of it from 2 cycles of F3J team shenanagins. It is a good choice as it has some give to it and will last a long time and doesn't tangle or cut you easily.
The set-up really does work very, very well- better I think than any other combo I have
seen or used, and I've used quite a few.  This set up throws my F3B/F3J TD planes easily
200-300 feet with good zoom technique, and no need to use launch mode.
It is also very compact and takes little space, while being fairly user-friendly.
I have used it in my front yard streched down the sidewalk to toss my 3M Psykos and thermal around over my neighborhood without incident.
I've seen Joe wurts go even higher on my rig, but he flies straight at the nail, then zooms like launching a zagi etc....that's not for the faint of heart.  I just killed a CF 2 meter plane last month that way. Killed it all the way dead forever, was kinda cool, and loud.
This same rig works great for smaller planes, and is capable of inducing flutter on any
foamy I've seen if you take it back to far. 
It is a very nice set-up.
P.S.  Just bottled 5 gallons of Euro-style pilsner to take to Phoenix, except Phoenix is full!
         Bummer!  Mebbie Pasadena...

John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca




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