I use good quality masking tape and CA glue.  Wrap once around the 
servo and glue.  It's easy to remove the servo and remount.  There's 
no slop with this method either.

You can use thin CA, wick it in from each side.  Or use thick CA, but 
not so much that is spills past the tape and glues the servo to the 

Tim Green
Madison, Ohio

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Marc Gellart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be interesting to know how many servos are glued in versus 
> in some way mechanically.  I mount mechanically when possible, but 
it is not
> always possible.  Lately I have gone to using heat shrink around 
the servo
> and then glueing, seems to work well and you can get them out.
> Marc
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:DENDKN@a...]
>   Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:14 AM
>   Subject: [RCSE] Re: Soaring V1 #604-Servo Recommendations for a 
> SL-e Message
>   I have been flying a Stratos SL-e for nearly two years (200 or 
> flights) with Volz Micro Maxx and Micro Max X servos with an 
> Vision and Stylus Systems.  I much prefer the Micro Max X servos.  
Volz has
> a new servo, XP that is probably a further improvement.  I have had 
> trouble with Micro Maxx servos, but the biggest problem with Volz 
is that
> there is no factory authorized repair service (Pardon me Gordy, I 
> your efforts to help).
>   When setting up my backup Stratos SL-e, I have used JR 341s with 
JR 368
> digitals for flaps.  I am very satisfied with their performance on 
> first 25 flights using an Airtronics Vision System.  My flying 
friends are
> using JR and Airtronics servos in their Stratos SL-e sailplanes for 
> than a year with excellent results.
>   It is very important to install the wing servos in removable 
mounts.  It
> is a big mistake to glue them in, as recently recommended in SE 
Modeler, so
> that they are not easily removable for adjustment and repair.
>   Dale Nutter

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