In a message dated 1/21/03 Rich Burnowski wrote:

I think 99% of soaring pilots can, and have used good judgment about these
matters.   And, Lets trust our contest directors to act upon unsafe
situations that may occur. 


       I agree with your observations and conclusion except that I believe no words are necessary on this subject.  I have been an active contest participant and CD for the past 10+ years and have never witnessed a problem caused by a skeg.  In contrast, I have seen many shins whacked by an errant RES ship sliding through the landing area without a skeg.. I believe you are much more likely to be injured by a wing or fuse than impaled by a skag.

       I recommend we vote no on any words detailing skegs and get on with more important issues like rubber propellers.

       A rule for the sake of a rule is no rule.

Don Richmond

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