I am happy to say that ECHLGF 2003 was a success! I hope all/most of the 
participants will agree with me.

We had very reasonable weather on Saturday - overcast but no rain, and just 
enough lift to make the tasks a little difficult but doable. The weather on 
Sunday was great - sunny, warm, light clouds, plenty of lift. Almost too easy, 
but no complains. There was still plenty of sink to make it difficult at times. 
Only in a couple of rounds during the entire contest we had several pilots who 
maxed out the task resulting in several 1000 scores in one flight group. Most of 
the time there was a sufficient spread of points. But at the same time the 
standings changed constantly throughout the contest which made it more 
interesting. Until the very end it was not clear how the final standings would 
turn out. Russ Bennett was leading after the first day of the contest. Phil 
Barnes was the first going into the fly-offs. In the last round of the fly-offs 
Phil Barnes unfortunately landed out on a 4min flight, which allowed me to 
advance to the 1st place.

We had many memorable moments during the weekend, some very happy and some not. 
Russ Bennett did some exceptional flying and was at or near the top of the score 
table most of the weekend. In one of the rounds, when one big thermal passed the 
field giving everybody an easy 3min max, and then a big sink area settled in, 
Russ took a single low level thermal and kept riding it until he climbed out and 
took another max flight. All of us were watching him and hesitated to join him 
in that weak thermal saving the throws in hopes for a better thermal, but all we 
found was more sink.

In another round we saw Adam Weston land out only about 2 feet short of the 
field boundary after a very difficult 4min flight! That was quite an upset for 
Adam, as he was probably going to win that round. In the last round of fly-offs, 
Phil Barnes and Doug Pike both landed their planes in the woods after they could 
not come back to the field through the sink.

All in all, we all had lots of fun this weekend despite all those usual upsets 
that happen in any contest. On Saturday after an unexpected early finish of the 
planned 6 rounds, everybody wanted to fly more, and Tom Kiesling quickly 
organized an F3B speed task event. That was a great fun and laughs continued for 
an hour or two while pilots took turns flying the "speed course". It was very 
much like a real F3B, with 2 line judges, no-fly zone, penalties, wild course 
entries, even wilder turns, turn cuts, very fast 2 lap speed runs with very slow 
2 lap finishes, and many unfinished 3.5 lap runs :-)

The lunches organized and delivered to the field by Linda Proseus, wife of the 
contest director Dick Proseus, were fantastic. Everybody agreed again that the 
great lunches are yet another reason to attend this event next year.

The raffle prizes included 2 kits, one XP-3 from Denny Maize and Phil Barnes, 
and one Taboo XL, also many small items - servos, gyros, gyro switches, 
batteries, video tapes, etc, from Doug Barry (our main sponsor), Dick Proseus, 
and Quiet Flyer magazine. If I forgot a sponsor, I promise to mention all names 
again on the web-site when I post the pictures! The kits were won: XP-3 by Kevin 
Sharbonda (after Denny Maize won it and graciously declined to take the prize!), 
and Taboo XL by Ken Marks.

We had a minor mishap with the scoring program, or to be more accurate with the 
assumptions about its capabilities. The program worked great for 1 day contests, 
but I could not figure out how to make it work for a two day contest (and it 
could only do 8 rounds in one day). So we had to resort to manual scoring on the 
second day which introduced a few mistakes into the scores all of which 
(hopefully) were found and corrected. Here are the final standings of the top 7 
pilots who flew in the fly-offs:

pilot           score   plane

Oleg Golovidov  11,723  Taboo XL
Tom Kiesling    11,643  own design
Russ Bennett    11,447  Taboo XL
Phil Barnes     11,350  own design
Adam Weston     11,043  Encore/own design
Doug Pike       10,869  own design
Don Vetter      10,710  own design

Thanks to all of the participants for making the event happen. Thanks to the 
contest director Dick Proseus for organizing the event. Thanks to his wife Linda 
for providing a great lunch on both days. Thanks to our main sponsor Doug Barry 
for his tremendous support of the event. Thanks to all our sponsors for donating 
raffle prizes. Thanks to George Oakey for keeping the scores and doing many 
other things. Thanks to all club members who helped with the contest 

We need more pilots next year! Come on, California, Texas, Utah, Ohio, ...! 
Where are your HLG pilots?! Please, make plans to attend our HLG festival next 

I will post another message to let y'all know when I upload the pictures and 
full results from the event on my web-site.
Thermals to all,

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