At 02:36 PM 1/22/2004, Rick Van Clief wrote:

If I am correctly deciphering this comment (you're trying to get a more permanent hinge than tape or monokote provides) something I'm about to try on my latest center panel spoiler may help. I'm going to lay the spoiler in its bay and sand a 1/32" deep by 5/16" wide low area in both the top forward part of the spoiler and the wing just ahead of it. Then I'll carefully and lightly epoxy in a continuous strip of 1/2" wide sheared 0.75 oz kevlar (like it's prepared and used for the hinge in the BD - full length of the spoiler) in the low areas and two pieces of 1/32" balsa on top of that. Sand to contour when cured and you're done.

Who knows, maybe it'll work.

If you are particularly clever, you'll even put it on the bias, i.e., with the thread running at 45 degrees to the hinge line. Twice as many fibers holding both edges together.

Nothing new with me, a standard method for putting the edge or binding on quilts where wear and flexing is an issue (I'm also a quilter). I believe this is also the method Mark Drela recommends for hinges on the Allegro Lite and Bubble Dancer.



What is life without a dream?

Bill Johns
Pullman, WA

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