Went to the Mid South a couple years ago: lots of winches - we were 
grouped (MOM?) but I still had to wait in line most  rounds.  Just an 
observation!   Regis
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Marc Gellart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John, you said,
> "An open winch contest with even 30 people should not have many
> channel conflicts if people would carry extra channels to use. I 
have two
> alternate channels to use so I have not had a problem."
> Maybe, but one conflict is all it takes to make it missery for two 
> and still you cannot eliminate the fact
> that you may have to wait on the winch, either because of a line or 
if the
> winch has an issue.  And all the good air calling you
> can make goes down the toilet while you are in line or waiting on a 
line fix
> or mechanical issues.   MOM takes this into
> respect since a group must launch together.  My favorite thing in 
an open
> wich contest is to walk up, launch into big air and
> have the winch die.  Takes care of competition and I am on my own 
to make
> the clock run.
> "As for "making the flight happen"; don't you mean landings? Most 
of the
> time all I see that the
> flight is secondary to the dork. It's not about flying, but dorking 
> plane in to get the most landing points.
> Landing points are the deciding factor in most of the MOM contest I 
> witnessed"
> NO,and I mean NO.  Go and watch these contests, the example I have 
is Bill
> Wingstadt at LOFT this spring, remember his
> save at the landing tape that he flew out over the road at no 
height?  Don
> Harris putting the spank on guys in the high group at
> DARTS in what appeared to be nothing but made it happen, and he had 
a zero
> landing that day too.  Even the Nats, where you
> cannot miss a landing and win, air time is still the great divider, 
> landings.
> On the days when lift is big, ya landings shuffle the deck, but 
staying up
> in huge air once you are up proves nothing unless you just
> like to fly around in it.  And I think that is what is at the core 
here, the
> reasons contests are popular is that there are competitive people
> out there, and we really dig it.  I am guessing that competitve 
> are not your cup of tea?  My favorite day of flying is to go to
> Chicago and prctice using their PA system as a clock  The minute 
someone has
> won the group you come down and start over.  Staying
> up any longer is burning up battery that you could fly another 
> round.
> Have fun flying, the stick time is great for you, someday you may 
come to
> the fold.
> Marc
> .

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