I have a picture of you launching a yellow and green Winddrifter in the rain at Landon Farms Estate..First time I met you and the first contest I ever attended..1981.. I think...You were just a punk kid then....I think that is the day I saw my first winch..You taught me how to launch my Drifter too..Brian Smith
PS..That was before you had to climb trees to retrieve my models.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Favorite Plane

Heck I will jump in, for grins !!
Anyone who knew me then or knows me now, Knows that the plane I flew the most and won the most all TD contests was a Sailaire. I have built over 30 of  the Sail Pigs over the years, with all the various modifications.
The Tullohoma versions, the Stubbies, the phillips enteries, the stretched foam wing x/c types... etc etc etc...
I think sta a couple of them are still around.
A close second was my first Grand Esprit....too bad you can't get either any more..( reasonably) then the Sagittia 900...
Now, ....its my Icons,  my Cobra with a sailaire as back up...LOL 

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