I dont have time to read all of these messages.
But most important: I dont dare to calculate miles to Muncie... ;-))
Registration sent today for all but HLG, Golf and NOS...
Hilsen (Regards) Jojo, that is borrowing Gordy`s Organic I think...
www.grini.no / AMA826899 / LSF I....19 years ago

From:  Bill Malvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sat Feb 12, 2005  6:43 pm
Subject:  Re: [RCSE] Nats Planning, 2M, and All the Rest

On 2/12/05 9:35 Chuck Anderson wrote:

> I have solved the problem of having 2-meter in the middle of the week. I
> don't show up until the start of Unlimited.

I have to travel 2100 miles to get there. If I'm coming that far, I'm
flying, even if it means 2M !!!!

Bill Malvey

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