Title: RE: [RCSE] What do you have in your toolbox?

I like to have Scotch tape (for canopy hold down, taping loose monokote, etc.), a whattmeter, multimeter, modelers pins (to open up clogged glue spouts), spares of anything and everything (props for my electric stuff, nylon bolts, etc.), all my tools, AMA card, scissor, miscellaneous odds and ends that makes my large Multiplex tool box weigh about 35 pounds.

Al Battad WH6VE

AMA #506981

From: Dave Brombaugh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 12:12 PM
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: [RCSE] What do you have in your toolbox?


I recently decided that it was time for me to start taking a toolbox with me to the field.

I’ve been going with the theory:  If I take it with me, that means I’ll probably need it.

The premise of that theory is – if I don’t take any tools/glue/duct tape/etc, then I won’t break my airplane! J

It sounds good in theory.  In reality, I learned last week that there are occasions where it is useful to have tools, even when there isn’t anything ‘wrong’ with the airplane.  For example – I have two new airplanes for this season.  One of them needed a little servo arm readjustment.  Fortunately, someone else at the field had a couple screwdrivers so I could make those adjustments.

So, I ask – what do you keep in your tool boxes at the field?  I’m finally taking the step and am going to put together a good set of tools (and supplies!) and keep them in one good, solid box.

-       Dave

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