I had the same problem as Tuan Le' and I wrote Barry a couple of times just recently.  Finally I said if it hasn't ship just cancel the order.  I had the plane 2 days later.  Here's the real problem, Barry has the market cornered on the AVA.  From what I can tell it's the superior or one of the superior planes for RES.  Unfortunately you can't get it from anyone else, trust me I tried since I have a very good friend that is one of Vladimir's distributors.  This to me is tough when you want a specific plane and only one resource.  If that resource is busy or out of stock you are hosed and have to wait.  Anyway, I got my AVA and it's a beautiful plane but I was a bit irritated to say the least at the time frame it took me to get it.  Oh and yes it was in stock when I ordered it.  Anyway....things happen good luck Tuan Le' I'm sure you will like the plane.

Glenn W.
Tri-Cities, Wa

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