I didn't mean to start a manufacturer's war. I just
found a neat new servo, and wanted to share that with
the group. It is true, I do not exactly pay retail for
radio... but it doesn't really matter, I do not
promote a product I don't believe in - period.

Now that being said, I'm not sure where John is
getting his data. In my post, I referred to a brand
X... yes, it was one of those junior (JR) servos. ;-)
Radio or servo manufacturers obviously test their
products, and put some sort of spin on it to help sell
it. Some manufacturers may derate that data to be
safe, others may bump it up to artificially show
superiority over their competitors. Again, I do not
know where Mr. Diniz got his data. All I know is after
all this mess, I rec'd another email from the
gentleman who did the initial test I forwarded. This
is what it said: 

"i see all those post on RCSE and the specs on these
Thats why i decided to test these servos and not read

All i know is the 368 wouldn't pick up the weight and
the Z servo
did, thats all i need to see."

That kind of says it all, guys.

I didn't want to get into personal thoughts about the
servos, since I'm obviously tainted by the allmighty
dollar. I am getting so freaking rich from flying toy
airplanes - you should see my yacht... ;-)

But... here ya go - My experience with the new
Airtronics Digital is it's the best servo I've ever
run. I've never run the JR 368 (I would have had to
pay for the f...er) ;-) I ran the Airtronics servo on
my Sharon, flaps and ailerons. No issues with blowback
on launch or landing. I put them in my Space Pro -
again... super stiff and strong. Used the servo for
the full flying elevator in my F3B model. That made me
nervous, but again - works great. 

The last number for torque I was given by Airtronics
was 53 ounces. That was a verbal, and I don't know how
true it is. So I guess... a more appropriate statement
would be: As strong, faster, smaller, lighter,
cheaper.... ;-)



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