Errr...that was me, Bill. Maybe some of my clubmates in SASS or NWSS will vouch for me, but I generally use the best equipment available and do meticulous setups in my planes. My mechanicals are always carefully done and top notch in terms of reliability. I check the TX program and mech linkages before each flight. I am also careful about range checking tx/rx combinations before flying. So before you flip the bozo bit on me, let me clarify.

--2m Image on a JR R770: Had been flown a whole season with no problems. One day on final, just as a hotted-up Zagi whizzed by it at high speed (between me and the Image), the R700 spazzed out, and plane pitched straight into the ground.

--Pike Superior on a Berg6 GIII: Range checked ok. Noticed it was sluggish off the towline. Control degraded until completely gone. Lost control right at the edge of the field! Tested rx afterward. Again, it range checked fine to 50 paces. Antenna exited fuse through a grommet and up to the fin.

--Elektron 400 on a Sombra Shadow. I was so paranoid about new receivers that I decided to check this one in a cheap plane. Good thing too. I flew it for around 20 minutes with no problem. Then, just like the Berg, the controls began to slow down until I had no control at all. I watched, completely helpless as the plane did a bunch of wild random acrobatics, then crashed. Sombra range checked good after the crash. Luckily, the plane went down in very tall grass. Re-checked mechanicals - still intact with no problems.

--NSP Omega 1.8E on JR R700: Ok in the air. Servos quiver when no TX is on

--Voodoo pylon racer on FMA M5 V2: generally ok. Occasional glitches (motor will burp while sitting on the ground waiting to fly a heat)

--Old GP Spectra trainer on a Hitec 555: This was a xmas gift to a friend of mine getting into the hobby. Tests fine on bench and range checks, but in flight the elevator glitches once in a while. Mechanical thoroughly checked - no probs there. Replaced with an ANCIENT JR SPCM RX brick and problems gone.

--Pike Superior Carbon 68 on JR R770 (1/2 wave antenna runs out the tail): Rock solid --Pike Superior Carbon 80 (electric and non electric) (1/2 wave antenna runs out the tail) on JR R770: Rock solid
--Icons #1, #2 on JR R649 and R2000 (antenna run internally): Rock solid
--Graphite 3.1 molded electric (1/2 wave antenna exits boom): Rock Solid
--Graphite 3.1 D-Tube (antenna exits aft of TE and extends pas v- tail): Rock solid
--Image #2 on JR R770 (antenna internal): Rock Solid
--Ava on JR R770 (exist aft of TE and extends to fin top): Rock Solid
--Tragi 705X on JR R770 (antenna internal): Rock Solid

As many have noted, these are also FM receivers. And it's likely that the PCM decoders have simply been masking interference and glitches. But I have never had a time with these JR PCMs when I've had anything less than complete control. I still run a variety of foamies and park fliers on non-PCM receivers. Some glitch more than others. The GWS receivers seem worse than most. On the other end of the spectrum I have an old Hitec 535 in a Zagi that is solid as they come. A friend of mine down here has had good experience with the 8 channel FMA Co-Pilot RX.

Judging from my experiences, you can surely see why I'm leery of non- PCM receivers. Next stop for me will be spread spectrum when that becomes available for full house planes.

I realize that others may have had different experiences, but these have been mine. YMMV.

Cheers - Jim

On Jan 16, 2006, at 10:38 AM, Bill Swingle wrote:

Let's look at the Rx experiences of the lots of folks. Before we draw any

I think it was Don(?) who cited having problems with Berg, JR and Sombra
Rx's. These are pretty well proven units. Lots of guys are using them
successfully. Yet, Don had problems with each. This is a RED FLAG to me. Getting one bad Rx does happen but 3 (or more) from different manufacturers
is quite unlikely.

While it could be related to the Rx's, it's more probable that the problem is due to something that's common to each installation. This would equate to #1. Your TX, #2. A common installation technique or #3. The location where
you fly.

I doubt it could be #3 but that's easy to rule out. #2 is possible but
fairly easily checked. #1 seems fairly probable and is more difficult to
check. Personally, I'd get the TX checked out first.

Bill Swingle
Janesville, CA

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