So is Judaism compatible with Christianity?  
Theologically speaking, of course not.  The very 
notion is absurd. Ethically, on the other hand, I am 
not aware of any significant differences. The same 
applies when comparing Islamic principles to either 
of the two.

Which is why Eimar O'Duffy chose to use pagan 
allegory in his rendition of Social Credit philosophy . Rather 
than "Christianity" v. "Judeo-Masonicism" he used the 
terms "Sisyphism v. Procrusteanism" and "gods 

Finally, in *Asses in Clover,* the god-hero travels 
through the kingdom of Assinaria.  There professors 
of the dismal science discuss how far the standard of 
living must be lowered in order to raise it, and the 
impossibility of providing an income for all in a 
land of plenty when there is no demand for labour.  
Despite their comic form, the books carry a sombre 
message.  A social credit Utopia on the moon is 
destroyed by capitalist financial pressures.  On 
earth, those who can afford to pay to see song-birds 
and wild flowers are content to do so.  Those 
suffering abject poverty are too preoccupied with 
their plight to care about the world they have lost. 
The trilogy has an uncannily prophetic ring.  On his 
death in 1935 O'Duffy was described by Douglas as an 
economist of 'no mean order...combining the typical 
Irishman's hatred of pomposity with a delicate sense 
of proportion...His books will, for many years, 
provide a touchstone of reality'." the last chapter two of the Gods 'observed a 
dim star among the drifting millions flash suddenly, 
and go out.'  One of the Gods muses that, 'There ends 
another of my experiments.' 

"And the second God inquires, 'A successful one?' 

"'Nay, a miserable failure, though at one time it 
gave good promise. That star gave birth to a number 
of planets, on one of which I evolved, after much 
thought and toil, a strange creature call Man.  At 
first he was truly interesting, but he reached his 
zenith too quickly, and then rapidly declined.  
During his last few hundred years, when he was 
already far gone in decay, he achieved a mastery of 
natural forces that was marvelous in a race so 
stupid, but his wickedness and folly were such that 
it did him more harm than good.  In the end I 
superseded him by a somewhat lower creature called 
rabbit; but this had no great potentialities either 
for good or evil, and so nothing came of it.  A few 
million years ago the planet fell back into its 
parent sun, which has now itself come to an end.' 

"'Did these Men that you have mentioned achieve 
nothing of lasting worth?' asked the other God. 

"'Almost nothing,' replied the first.  'A few of them 
did occasionally show some glimmerings of divine 
wisdom to which their fellows paid no heed.  That, 
and some trifles of tolerable music, is their only 
memorial.  If you listen you may catch some echo of 
the latter still moving among the spheres.' 

""The Gods were silent; and the ghost of the Ninth 
Symphony came stealing through the ether.' 

"This is an effectively wry conclusion to a highly 
talented writer's major work..."


On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 22:39:36   
 Keith Wilde wrote:
>I have appreciated the comments on this general subject over the past few
>days, and especially the additional information provided by Wally, Victor
>and Curtiss.  [cut]

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