<"">The flat tax, advocated by Steve Forbes and 
others in order to raise revenue to finance the U.S. 
government, is clearly superior as a way for the 
government to obtain money than to impose a graduated 
income tax with numerous and complicated exclusions, 
deductions, and exceptions. But it does not seem to 
have a snowball's chance in the Saudi Arabian dessert 
of being accepted by voters in a democratic 
Will the federal authorities ever put matter to the 
voters for a "vote"?  Social crediters reject the 
very concept of an income tax inasmuch as they are 
generally against taxes.

The Texas Constitution requires that such matters be 
put to the people for a vote through the amendment 
process.  The people have rejected the income tax 
each time it has been put to a vote from the 
legislature.  They approved the sales tax in the mid-
fifties, however, after much debate as a necessary 
evil to fund the state budget.  They took the 
politicians at their word.  Previously, the local and 
state budgets were funded exclusively from property 

Before the income tax the federal budget was covered 
almost exclusively from tariffs.
<**>Why would you expect anything different from your 
proposed national dividend plan?<**>
Because from its inception it will be based on the 
principle of equality, like the sales tax.
<**>Housewives provide cleaning services, childcare, 
etc. If you give subsidies to firms that sell these 
services at the retail level, you will discourage the 
housewife form of supply.<**>
Those who provide services to others for remuneration 
would be qualified for participation in the retail 
discount program, including housewives.  We are in 
favor of the displacement of labor.  Washing 
machines, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, lawn 
mowers, fast-food restaurants, etc. have reduced the 
need for household labor.
<**>An enterprising consumer may buy consumer goods 
from a retailer.   Then, he can open up his own 
business to resell them. Will subsidies be given to 
the latter?
Why not?  If the retailer keeps good records, things 
that he sells that are purchased from him for resale 
rather than consumption are excluded from the sales 
tax he has to pay and collect.  Presumably something 
like it would apply to the discount.  Things that he 
sells for resale do not qualify for the retail 
discount.  The person who resells those things will 
qualify for the discount if he is enrolled in the 
<**>And what kind of enforcement mechanism will you 
set up to deal with "cheaters?"<**>
Disqualification from participation in the program.
<**>Are diamonds goods for which retailers will 
receive subsidies for selling?<**>
I don't quite see the point to this question.  
Diamonds are produced goods that are sold at retail 
and as such will qualify for the discount at the 
point of retail.

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