On Monday 10 Nov 2003 5:41 pm, you wrote:
> That's right, I hadn't thought of that.  It is
> obviously correct.  Thanks, Jessop.  But what is a
> "Spaza" shop?

A Spaza shop is something that evolved in our townships where a householder 
simply trades groceries etc. from a room in the dwelling. They sometimes 
occupy separate buildings, or add-on buidings, sometimes even a shipping 
container, in the informal settlements (shack developments.) They are cash 
businesses and generally are not registered with the Revenue department. A 
business with a turnover of (used to be!) less than R250,000 can register for 
VAT but is not obliged to -- but I doubt if anyone knows just how much a 
Spaza shop may be turning over.


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