On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 10:50:00AM +0100, Bill Maas wrote:
> Hi Voipcrazy,
> http://www.modemsite.com/56k/x2-hyperterm.asp
> Search "characters twice".
> It's called a manual;).

It's nothing to do with hyperterminal or half-duplex settings.

> > But what I get on my soekris console is that 
> > 
> > CCoouulldd  nnoo
> > tt  ffiinndd  kk
> > eerrnneell  iimm
> > aaggee::  lliinn
> > uuxx
> > 
> > bboooott::

(1) The character duplication is because pxelinux is outputting both to the
COM port and the VGA BIOS. The Soekris redirects the VGA BIOS characters to
the COM port. Hence you get them twice.

(2) The 16-column line wrap is a bug in the Soekris VGA BIOS emulation. You
can patch and rebuild pxelinux.0 to avoid this, by stopping pxelinux writing
to the VGA BIOS. Details at the end of


and the patch, with instructions on how to rebuild pxelinux.0 using nasm, is
higher up. If I remember rightly, this patch will also prevent the character

Just for reference, here's a working pxelinux.cfg/default:

serial 0 19200 0x303
label linux
  kernel openwrt-x86-2.6-vmlinuz
  append initrd=openwrt-x86-2.6-rootfs.cpio.gz init=/etc/preinit console=tty0 

And here's a working grub/menu.lst (with settings to allow the unit to boot
even when no serial cable is connected)

serial --unit=0 --speed=19200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=0 --dumb serial

default 0
timeout 0

title   OpenWrt
root    (hd0,0)
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz init=/etc/preinit console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200n8 
initrd  /boot/rootfs.cpio.gz

However, fixing the character output problems is mostly cosmetic. It won't
solve the problem of the missing kernel.

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