At 12:52 PM 2/26/2008, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>I've seen some problems with the onboard NICs on net5501, where
>if the device connected is unplugged and replugged, the interface
>has link, is able to transmit packets, but is unable to receive
>packets (nothing shown in tcpdump on the interface). Bringing
>the interface down and back up fixes it.
>Has anyone noticed this on OS other than OpenBSD?

Yes, on FreeBSD this can happen in RELENG_6. What seems to "fix" it 
is a packet going on the outbound interface will 'unwedge' it so that 
the box can received packets once again.  In the logs, a
vr0: Using force reset command.
will appear. It also seems to happen more frequently on vr0 than the 
other nics. Not sure if its an interrupt issue ?  The newer version 
of the driver soon to go into HEAD seems to reduce the amount of 
"force reset command" that I see. I havent yet seen a situation where 
the interface stops receiving packets with the new driver. But then 
again, I cant make this situation appear on demand so I dont know if 
the problem is gone, or just less visible.


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