On Feb 26, 2008, at 18:05 , Jared D. McNeill wrote:

> Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> I've seen some problems with the onboard NICs on net5501, where
>> if the device connected is unplugged and replugged, the interface
>> has link, is able to transmit packets, but is unable to receive
>> packets (nothing shown in tcpdump on the interface). Bringing
>> the interface down and back up fixes it.
>> Has anyone noticed this on OS other than OpenBSD?
> I see it on NetBSD also. Glad I'm not the only one :-)

For me, it does not happen as long as the interface is in promiscuous  
mode (ie. while watching to see if I can reproduce the problem).

When I start tcpdump while the interface is in the hung state, I see  
the msg 'vr0: using force reset command.' and traffic resumes.


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