This fix in the 4.2->4.3 OpenBSD changelog might possibly be relevant -
are you running with -current or a numbered version?:

Fix for vr(4) to handle I/O accesses chipsets which do not have PCI
power management capabilities

I would hope that pluging/unpluging the cable might lead the driver to
try and affect the power supplied to the device.


>On 2008/03/05 12:02, Mike Tancsa wrote:
>> On FreeBSD, I created this simple userland script that resets the nic by 
>> watching for its up/down events in syslog's kern.* facility. The proper 
>> fix on FreeBSD is at
>Ah, good idea. The OpenBSD kernel doesn't log interface events, but this
>can be done nicely with ifstated (or people using OSPF can find the state
>changes in their ospfd logs).
>Diffing this against the old driver makes a lot of output with style
>changes as well as code changes so it's a lot to sift through,
>I've been working through it gradually but it's taking me a while...
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