On Mon, 28 Jul 2008, Marc Balmer wrote:
> * Chris Babcock wrote:
> > Can those LVC units be used for as a GPS reference time source for NTP?
> Yes.  They output NMEA sentences, are fully (and easily) configurable
> and provide a PPS signal (which has to be turned on by sending the
> unit some commands).

I have one doing that very job with a 5501.  I use the $GPRMC sentence and
turned of the rest.  ISTR that was the sentnece recommended by the ntp.org

If you'd rather not mess around with getting power from pin 10, and aren't
otherwise using your USB connector, it is a +5V source, with enough
hampsters for the LVC, at least with no internal HDD.  Cutting up a spare
USB cable is probably the easiest way to get connected there.  This also
lets you use a standard 2x5 to DE-9 cable for COM2:.  Of course if you're
putting a 2x5 header on the LVC cable anyway, never mind.

If you haven't purchased the GPS 18 LVC yet, I seem to recall you could
get it with two different length cables.  I have 5m and I think the other
option was 3m.

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