> Hi list,
> Since installing Debian on my Net5501 via PXE boot won't work for me, I
> thought about installing it directly on a CF card from a laptop using a
> USB card reader. Could anyone please tell me what I need to adjust after
> the installation so the system will actually work? For example, do I
> have to modify the fstab and change sda to hda? And what do I have to do
> so it'll actually send output to the serial console? Or do I just need
> to install it and it'll work fine in the Net5501? Thanks for any
> answers!!!
> Robin

This is what i did on a freebsd installation...

        flash: change the 'da' devices to 'ad0'
        sata : change the 'da' devices to 'da1'
        remove CD drive (s)

        change the install box's network adapter to the Soekris' sis
        ifconfig_vr0="inet netmask"

2) Enable ttyd0 in /etc/ttys with vt100 emulation:

ttyd0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.19200"   vt100   on  secure

3) Set the boot loader to use serial port:

echo '-h' >/boot.config

Else there is google ;)

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