De (from) (von) <> :

> i have a 1 gig card with debian installed with no problems.  i'm able
> to upgrade without problems.


> if you're having troubles with the dhcp3-server/tftpd configs, give
> dnsmasq a look over, that's what made it happen for me.

no trouble with dhcp3-server/tftpd and the etch installation is ok
except at reboot time : my soekris box don't recognize my 8 Go CF.

I think the problem come from grub installation.

> show
ConSpeed = 9600
ConLock = Enabled
ConMute = Disabled
BIOSentry = Enabled
PCIROMS = Enabled
PXEBoot = Disabled
FLASH = Primary
BootDelay = 5
FastBoot = Disabled
BootPartition = Disabled
BootDrive = 80 81 F0 FF 
ShowPCI = Enabled
Reset = Hard
CpuSpeed = Default

> boot 80
No Boot device available, enter monitor

And boot makes a pxe boot (like boot f0)
I've read that grub is not recommended but what can I do ? I can't
install anything except grub during installation...

And what can I do now without install everything again ?


Philippe Monroux
E 55.3 S 21.5

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