Yakout Esmat wrote:
> Hi All,
> We build and distribute Asterisk-based PBXes, I guess like many 
> others. What we are looking for is to standardize our hardware 
> platform, which makes backup/restore, replacement etc....much easier 
> than using normal PC/Server hardware.
> My questions:
> 1-      Can we install standard CentOS 5.x on the Soekris 5501?
No. CentOS 5 assumes a processor class (686) that isn't available. It is 
theoretically possible to rebuild 5 for the 586, but difficult. CentOS 4 
works, although one of the last CentOS 4 releases was accidentally built 
for 686-only, so you might need to go back a rev if they haven't fixed that.
> 2-      Can we boot from an external USB DVD just like we can with a 
> standard PC?
No. CF, disk, or network.
> 3-      Is there any intention to build boards with faster CPU, like 
> 1Ghz for example?
This is a user/developer list, not the maker of the devices.

Matthew Kaufman

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