Well...not having the flexibility to run one of the most common Linux
distros puts a damper on the whole thing.

But I thank you very much for your feedback. I guess it is easy to image a
standard install onto these CF cards using dd.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Kaufman [mailto:matt...@matthew.at] 
Sent: Thursday, 5 November 2009 10:44 a.m.
To: Yakout Esmat
Cc: 'Bill Maas'; soekris-tech@lists.soekris.com
Subject: Re: [Soekris] Loading standard CentOS

Yakout Esmat wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Thanks for your prompt answer.
> It's a shame that we are limited to kind of older Oss like CentOS4 for
> example. But as you said, this post is quite old and could be outdated.
> Let's see if anyone has an update.
The issue is 686 vs 586. Ubuntu has much newer 586 releases than CentOS 
does, just FYI.
> I agree CF is probably the most convenient, but how do you get any OS on
> CF before installing it onto the board?
1. Boot from network and write to the CF, or
2. Put the CF via a PATA or SATA adapter into another machine and 
install onto it or,
3. Put the CF via a PATA or SATA adapter into another machine and dd 
another disk or image onto it or,
4. Put the CF via a USB adapter into another machine and dd another disk 
or image onto it

My personal favorite is that I run a VMWare system that has a disk a 
little smaller than the CF card, I install on VMWare, set everything up 
just write, then use dd to copy the virtual drive right over to the CF 
card inserted into a USB adapter. a 2 or 4 GB card takes less than a 
minute, and you can tweak settings for each one if you're making a few 
dozen at a time.
> Our software is loaded onto DVD and is about 2GB in size and i thought
> booting from the external DVD would work...
Won't. But you can get that 2GB onto a CF card pretty trivially.

Matthew Kaufman

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