
I want to power my net5501 from a spare 12V car battery that I have.

I also have an IBM laptop power supply, which says 16V 4.5A on it, and a Kemo 
M083 charging
regulator which says "charging current maximum 1.5A".

Currently I use the laptop supply to power the charger, and then I power my 12V 
broadband cable
modem from the battery.  It means that the charger is "charging" all the time 
which is a little
suboptimal and makes it hot, but it works. The modem is actually getting just 
over 13V but it seems

I think that as the Soekris 5501 can take from 6-25V a better strategy would be 
to power the 5501
from the IBM laptop supply via a diode, and also from the 12V battery via a 
second diode.  That way
when there is mains power the 5501 will get 16V - 0.6V = 15.4V, and if the 
power fails it will get
12V - 0.6V = 11.4V, so it will be fine either way.

As for the broadband modem, I've had it for nearly seven years and the power 
supply failed a few
years ago.  I think my broadband provide should really send me a new one.  The 
newer ones are
smaller and probably use less power.  I think that the new ones also run from 
10V DC.  Therefore I
could take the 15.4/11.4V supply to the 5501 and regulate it down to 10V.

That means that worst case the IBM is supplying
1.5A to the charger
1A to the cable modem
1.5A to the net5501?

By the way the 5501 has a laptop hardrive in it, but no other cards or addons.

Does this sound like a reasonable strategy?  I don't want to blow up my new 

Also, what happens if I have a really long power cut and the battery gets below 
6V?  Will the 5501
just switch itself off or will it be damaged?

thanks Philip

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