Michael Warren wrote:
> The 5501 installs fine, but after the machine reboots after the
> install, it can't successfully load FreeBSD.
> Here is what I see:
> -----
>  1 Seconds to automatic boot.   Press Ctrl-P for entering Monitor.
> F1  FreeBSD
> F6 PXE
> Boot:  F1
> No /boot/loader
> FreeBSD/i386 boot
> Default: 0:ad(0,a)/boot/kernel/kernel
> boot:
> No /boot/kernel/kernel

This might be a disk geometry (CHS) mismatch if FreeBSD's boot1 does not
detect EDD/LBA support in the net5501 BIOS.

Check the net5501's view of the disk geometry at the BIOS prompt and
make sure it matches the geometry used in sysinstall.
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