[top-posting and no-trimming damage repaired manually]

> [...], but I don't expect to have a box (any box) that I pieced
> together out of random parts do the same job as a specific-purpose
> box at a business set-it-and-forget-it level.

Neither do I.  But the "business set-it-and-forget-it" level is not
always relevant.

I play with computers because I enjoy playing with them.  I use
computers as set-and-forget tools because I'm paid to.  I'm capable of
operating in either mode, of course, but it does make me very aware
that neither mode is the only one possible.  It seemed to me from your
writing that you were operating on an assumption that the
set-and-forget tool was somehow the correct one ("probably should just
be buying something else", as if the point of view from which that is a
"should" were the only valid one).

> [...], but I also don't think it would be fair to any company to
> expect them to support some of the weird things I've done, or seen
> people in this list do.

Back when I used to follow Usenet, there was a minor craze for "purity
tests".  One of them was a geek-oriented one, all about things geekly,
and one of the questions on it was something like "do you own any
computer equipment you _haven't_ voided the warranty on?".

I agree; except for a few specific things (I recall Soekris publishing
a user-applayable fix for a hardware problem with the strong
implication - perhaps even statement, I Forget - that doing it
competently would not be considered to void the warranty), I wouldn't
consider Soekris obligated to support most of this hackery.  That Soren
does (to the extent he does - I'd prefer even more, but can't really
expect the niche I'm part of to be Soekris's major market; I'm not sure
it's even large enough to support a whole vendor) is one reason why
this is the list I'm on.

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