FWIW, linux has had the capability to patch itself at boot,
replacing slow instructions with fast ones
(article mentions memory-barriers and "mfence" on newer CPUs)

SMP alternatives
[Posted December 14, 2005 by corbet]

so it may be that a 64bit kernel is just a 32bit kernel that can patch
itself up to run fast on 64bit machines.

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9:22 AM, David Ruggiero <thatseattle...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Kyle Brantley <k...@averageurl.com>
> wrote:
> > In short, as per Intel, using the 6501 in a 64-bit mode is unsupported.
> With that said, I've been
> > running my 6501s in 64-bit mode exclusively, ever since I got one (two
> weeks after release?).
> > I've not had any problems with them, but then again, I may not be using
> them in a way
> > that triggers issues, should there be any.
> A few months ago I asked the question here about what the pros and
> cons would be of running the OpenBSD SMP kernel (bsd.mp) on the
> net6501, versus the standard uniprocessor kernel - seeing that the
> E6XX series has HyperTransport and therefore something approximating
> multiple cores. There wasn't, as I recall, any consensus, or even much
> information at all (*). So from this discussion, as far as I can tell,
> I have a choice of _four_ different OpenBSD kernels that could
> legitimately be booted on my net6501 and would probably run:
> 32-bit i386 uniprocessor
> 32-bit i386 SMP
> 64-bit amd64 uniprocessor
> 64-bit amd64 SMP
> I'm sure a similar list of possible alternatives exists for other BSD
> variants and for Linux.
> A different company than Soekris might do some quick testing, or at
> least provide some pithy engineering insight and give its customers a
> quick rundown from their point of view on the advantages and
> disadvantages of 32 vs 64bit and non-smp vs smp - whether in general,
> or for specific common application needs. But at the risk of being
> flamed here, I'll say that I'm not holding my breath for any
> information like that from the company anytime soon...
> If anyone has data points around these questions from actual personal
> experience and actual real-world testing, like Kyle's, I'm sure many
> would be grateful for that.
> D
> (*) beyond the knowledge that "pf" is still single-threaded, so if all
> you're using the box for is a packet filter/router, then smp won't
> help _that_ particular much
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