I haven't read all the posts carefully enough probably. So I just read his post about moving to MayaFX. Not sure what that is even.

On 4/20/2012 3:39 PM, Bradley Gabe wrote:
Didn't Luc-Eric already explain this in a prior post, in a different thread?

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 3:35 PM, David Gallagher <davegsoftimagel...@gmail.com <mailto:davegsoftimagel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    It doesn't seem like we've been discussing a likely scenario: The
    Softimage developers are being tapped for a new 3D application
    entirely. Maya is definitely showing its age -- if they try to
    shoehorn ICE in there, is it really going to work well? Maybe they
    are starting a new app. Of course they have to keep it secret
    because they can't undercut existing sales.

    If they were doing that, they would want to involve all the key
    people from Softimage since they have built the most modern/recent
    core out there, and it clearly has tech advantages.


    Dave G

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