Thx Chris for the answer. I'm not good with point array so I think I'll go for a more pin and mimic way :)

Thx guillaume I'll check what I can do with that :).

On 4/30/2012 11:08 AM, Guillaume Laforge wrote:
Hello Dominik,

Unfortunately the Syflex force nodes got a lot of per object input ports, so you can't set those values per points. This is a know issue who is already logged.

For now, the only workaround I can imagine is to do several passes in the syflex ICETree.

First execution branch would do a "classic" syflex simulation :

/Get your Forces > Syflex Simulation (setting the Point Position by default)/

Then you could try to run a second syflex simulation on those solved point positions. Maybe using some mimic forces using self.PointPosition to avoid too much streching could help. /Mimic force + Other forces > Syflex Simulation Second Phase > Set a custom attribute "SecondPhase_PointPosition" instead of "PointPosition"./

Then using a weight map, you could do a blend between "SecondPhase_PointPosition" and "PointPosition" and set the "PointPosition" again.

I didn't try it, but as Syflex ICE doesn't directly set the point position, I think you should be able to do such "massage" rather easily.

Just a random idea, nothing more ;).



On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 9:27 AM, Dominik < <>> wrote:

    Hey list,

    I doing research with syflex in ICE and I'm wondering if there is
    a way or a trick to modify some of the attributes on a per point
    context instead of per object.

    I'm trying to make some part of a syflex mesh more stiff, like the
    seams or to create some interesting folds.

    Any ideas ?

    *Dominik Kirouac // SHED*
    artiste 3D

    T 514 849-1555 <tel:514%20849-1555> F 514 849-5025
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