Hi Vladimir

This issue was found by QA and logged, but it couldn't be fixed for 2013.

From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Vladimir 
Sent: May-22-12 10:43 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Softimage and Fedora14 - help please!

thanks steven,

I had the same problem here and this is really something that makes me puke. If 
you state that the only supported distro of linux is Fedora14 and when you 
first run your setup it returns with an error, then something is really wrong 
with your testing on the supported platform. I mean, if you guys are about to 
merge every damn aspect of softimage with the autodesk doctrine, then I would 
like to see some stuff done on the linux side of things. What do you think?


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Stephen Blair 
<stephen.bl...@autodesk.com<mailto:stephen.bl...@autodesk.com>> wrote:
The libcustomdisplayhost.so error will not prevent Softimage from running.
I get the same error here, and I can run Softimage 2013.

Here's a recipe for setting up Softimage on CentOS:

Here's a Fedora recipe posted by another user:

Stefan Andersson wrote an install-guide for FC13 (see below) that can
be used for FC14 (newer versions of Flash and NVidia available probably). Most
important is the Nouveau and SeLinux section. I guess you don't need the
update-stuff if you just want a quick test.

Also important for FC14:





Here it goes:

after installation as root:

yum -y localinstall --nogpgcheck 

yum -y update


yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"

yum -y install nfs-utils ypbind wget PyQt4 PyQt4-devel
python-pyside libXpm control-center-extra wine.i686 libquicktime vlc filezilla
gimp gimp-libs ufraw-gimp openssh-server MySQL-python xorg-x11-apps 


cp /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins

#wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/XXXXXXX/libflashplayer.so


cd /etc/yum.repos.d

wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/XXXXXXX/dropbox.repo

yum -y install nautilus-dropbox


cd /root

wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/XXXXXXX/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-256.53.run

#------------DISABLE NOUVEAU (opensource nvidia crap)
#GRUB.CONF Edits nano /etc/grub.conf last in the kernel line: nouveau.modeset=0


nano /etc/modprobe/blacklist.conf

blacklist nouveau


nano /etc/selinux/config



install Nvidia

-----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of Christoph Muetze
Sent: May-22-12 9:52 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
Subject: Softimage and Fedora14 - help please!

Hi everyone,

I recently upgraded my Softimage Network license to the Maya
Entertainment Creation Suite Premium - mainly for finally being able to
switch over to Linux (i had used mudbox2009 before, which was windows-only).

First let me say: Maya2013 and Mudbox2013 install and work _fine_. On
every (rpm based-)System i tried them on.

(though i wish i didn't have to google up on how to install these
programs (for real). because the documentation provided by autodesk is
really "limited". things like "use tcsh to install" and "you will need
redhat-lsb" are spread all over their site (IF they are there at all and
not buried in some user-forums somewhere else...)

My problem is Softimage2013, the one tool i truly need and can't get to
work under linux. I tried Fedora14, Centos, even unsupported Distros
like Debian. I tried it with different machines, several different
Geforces & Quadros, different Kernelversions and Nvidia drivers
(recommended and unrecommended ones). i have no idea what is wrong.

Here is what happens:

When i install softimage (using tcsh or csh) it installs supposedly
correctly but spits out a "setup did not complete sucessfully" in the end.
A look at the logfile reveals that cmdreg failed to complete the
XSICOMDLLs list (see
So i tried to manually run it with cmdreg -f
"Application/bin/XSICOMDLLs.lst after sourcing .xsi_2013, here is the
result: http://www.pixelz.de/stuff/cmdreg_xsicommdlls-lst.txt <- it
complains it can't load the custom display host (the error warning looks
more like a windows error, though - so i'm not sure how much this
actually reveals..).
Next i ldd'ed the customdisplayhost.so manually to see what happens.
this is the log:
http://www.pixelz.de/stuff/ldd-libcustomdisplayhost-so.txt <- everything
looks fine as far as i can tell..
Starting Softimage shows the splashscreen, the gui is drawn partially
and then the program hangs forever.
Here is the strace (1.3mb, might take a while to load):
The last line is a "futex(0x2cd65b0, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL"

This happened with every Softimage version i tried to install and start
so far (2011-2013) on every machine i have (several desktops and two

The system i used to do this latest testrun and generated the above
mentioned Logfiles: i7quad, 6gigs ram, Kernel Linux, Gnome 2.32.0, Geforce GT 330M - nividia
driver 280.13

Any help on how to further investigate or solve this problem is highly

Thanks in advance,


Christoph Mütze

Vladimir Jankijevic
Technical Direction

Elefant Studios AG
Lessingstrasse 15
CH-8002 Zürich

+41 44 500 48 20


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