ok, no worries. I just wish there were a few more examples that could be
taken apart and put back together, just to see how these things work. It's
so hard to know what'll work when there are so few examples available.

On 1 August 2012 17:12, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris,
> extrude polygon island is inside the compound of apply extrude polygon
> along axis :)   I tried it anyways from your suggestion by bypassing the
> merge polygons and plugging directly into integer array - it sort of works
> with low numbers of random selection but breaks dramatically with higher
> numbers, thanks for the pointer though!
> best
> Rob
> On 1 August 2012 16:48, Chris Marshall <chrismarshal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> I was having the opposite problem with extruding polygons, wanted
>> individual ones to extrude but it was always merging them. Are you using
>> Apply Extrude Polygon Along Axis? If so it might be worth trying the
>> Extrude Polygon Island compound.
>> On 1 August 2012 16:35, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Chris
>>> kind of looks like a hedge made out of eels :)  so Got it working my end
>>> (sort of) on a simple example Ice Modelling tree that randomly selects a
>>> percentage of polygons and then extrudes them., If I use the above
>>> technique on my random selection indices it selects the surrounding
>>> polygons as described, adds them to the 'array' but it extrudes each
>>> polygon independently.   I wonder if its possible, for each initial random
>>> polygon, to grow the selection but merge the growth into one polygon and
>>> make a new array out of these merged polygons for the extrusion?
>>>  Im getting context problems when trying to connect my array of integers
>>> into the polygon index (this is how my setup worked for the apply
>>> extrusion)  so in essence I need to repeat, for each polygon in my first
>>> array to feed the 'Apply merge polygon' with an integer array of the
>>> surrounding polygons and make a new array out of these to feed to the
>>> repeat extrusion...    this is not so easy to do is it when trying to grasp
>>> the idea of selection arrays inside of ICE modelling, I kind of know what I
>>> want to do but have no way of achieving it yet without a lot more practice,
>>> further painful trial and error and hopefully some more Ice modelling hints
>>> ;)
>>> cheers
>>> Rob
>>> On 1 August 2012 15:03, Chris Marshall <chrismarshal...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Here's the video! :-)
>>>> https://vimeo.com/46750915
>>>> On 1 August 2012 11:28, Chris Marshall <chrismarshal...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi Rob,
>>>>> The Test Polygon Index and Test Vertex Index nodes are both set to
>>>>> Integer Array.
>>>>> I added a Filter node after the second IF and ran the Test Vertex
>>>>> Index result into that, which removes everything set to -1, but then
>>>>> realised this could all be simplified anyway, see the attached. And a
>>>>> sample output of how running the result through some extrude nodes, in a
>>>>> loop, can give an interesting result.
>>>>>  Chris
>>>>> On 31 July 2012 17:27, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Nice one Chris, sort of following cluelessly and trying to rebuild
>>>>>> something similar - quick question - what are the Test nodes testing 
>>>>>> mode?
>>>>>>   Is Element, Integer Array or Comparison?
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Rob
>> --
>> Chris Marshall
>> Mint Motion Limited
>> 029 2002 5762
>> 07730 533 115
>> www.mintmotion.co.uk


Chris Marshall
Mint Motion Limited
029 2002 5762
07730 533 115

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