
On 1 August 2012 17:32, Rob Chapman <> wrote:

> and here is where I got to with this - kind of a kung fu practice dummy :)
>   am going to try and apply Stephen Blair's tutorial 'make points into a
> circle'
>   before
> extruding.
> Also doing it this way does not need Alok's C++ compound to delete
> duplicates from selection - it just extrudes the lot anyways :)
> cheers
> Rob
> On 1 August 2012 17:12, Rob Chapman <> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> extrude polygon island is inside the compound of apply extrude polygon
>> along axis :)   I tried it anyways from your suggestion by bypassing the
>> merge polygons and plugging directly into integer array - it sort of works
>> with low numbers of random selection but breaks dramatically with higher
>> numbers, thanks for the pointer though!
>> best
>> Rob
>> On 1 August 2012 16:48, Chris Marshall <> wrote:
>>> Hi Rob,
>>> I was having the opposite problem with extruding polygons, wanted
>>> individual ones to extrude but it was always merging them. Are you using
>>> Apply Extrude Polygon Along Axis? If so it might be worth trying the
>>> Extrude Polygon Island compound.
>>> On 1 August 2012 16:35, Rob Chapman <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Chris
>>>> kind of looks like a hedge made out of eels :)  so Got it working my
>>>> end (sort of) on a simple example Ice Modelling tree that randomly selects
>>>> a percentage of polygons and then extrudes them., If I use the above
>>>> technique on my random selection indices it selects the surrounding
>>>> polygons as described, adds them to the 'array' but it extrudes each
>>>> polygon independently.   I wonder if its possible, for each initial random
>>>> polygon, to grow the selection but merge the growth into one polygon and
>>>> make a new array out of these merged polygons for the extrusion?
>>>>  Im getting context problems when trying to connect my array of
>>>> integers into the polygon index (this is how my setup worked for the apply
>>>> extrusion)  so in essence I need to repeat, for each polygon in my first
>>>> array to feed the 'Apply merge polygon' with an integer array of the
>>>> surrounding polygons and make a new array out of these to feed to the
>>>> repeat extrusion...    this is not so easy to do is it when trying to grasp
>>>> the idea of selection arrays inside of ICE modelling, I kind of know what I
>>>> want to do but have no way of achieving it yet without a lot more practice,
>>>> further painful trial and error and hopefully some more Ice modelling hints
>>>> ;)
>>>> cheers
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 1 August 2012 15:03, Chris Marshall <>wrote:
>>>>> Here's the video! :-)
>>>>> On 1 August 2012 11:28, Chris Marshall <>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Rob,
>>>>>> The Test Polygon Index and Test Vertex Index nodes are both set to
>>>>>> Integer Array.
>>>>>> I added a Filter node after the second IF and ran the Test Vertex
>>>>>> Index result into that, which removes everything set to -1, but then
>>>>>> realised this could all be simplified anyway, see the attached. And a
>>>>>> sample output of how running the result through some extrude nodes, in a
>>>>>> loop, can give an interesting result.
>>>>>>  Chris
>>>>>> On 31 July 2012 17:27, Rob Chapman <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Nice one Chris, sort of following cluelessly and trying to rebuild
>>>>>>> something similar - quick question - what are the Test nodes testing 
>>>>>>> mode?
>>>>>>>   Is Element, Integer Array or Comparison?
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Rob

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