Sorry I forgot to reply to Paul.

Win7 is by far the best version of windows I've used in a long time. To me,
it sounds like you just need to re-install that badboy.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Gene Crucean

> "They're mac users after all."
> You know you are talking down to just about everybody these days right?
> Apple was just reported as the worlds most valuable company.
>  the dates on that too. MS hasn't been at that valuation since
> 1999!!!)
> Welcome to life after MicroSoft.
>  I would love one that would stop the computer from asking me if I want to
>> use an external drive for time machine every time I plug a drive
> A program to do what a simple system option can do?
> and also stop it from wanting to open every freaking window and program
>> I had open every time I reboot the computer.
> Again... system option. And I agree about this one... annoying as hell.
> They switched it off by default in the latest OS version.
> What $0.99 video format converters do you know of that will give you
>> real professional quality results, because I couldn't find any.
> Video is one area in which you do not want to take this discussion :)
> 3D would be a better option... which honestly is even getting pretty good
> now. I only say this because we're posting this on.... the SOFTIMAGE list.
> Grrrrr.
> I also agree with Stefan. Until you educate yourself on the matter, it's
> probably best to steer clear of it as a whole.
> Take care
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Sam Bowling <> wrote:
> > What $0.99 video format converters do you know of that will give you real
> > professional quality results, because I couldn't find any. Also there
> are a
> > ton of free programs for synchronizing your drives on windows and I
> couldn't
> > find any for OSX that didn't cost money. BTW, I'm talking about Mac
> > programs, not unix programs. The people I work with would be completely
> lost
> > if they had to do anything in a terminal. They're mac users after all.
> >
> > Oh, there was one free program that I found useful. I can't think of the
> > name at the moment, but it allows me to search drives that have not been
> > indexed yet, and use wildcards (2 things that should have been built into
> > the OS IMO). I would love one that would stop the computer from asking
> me if
> > I want to use an external drive for time machine every time I plug a
> drive
> > in and also stop it from wanting to open every freaking window and
> program I
> > had open every time I reboot the computer. But apparently Apple seems to
> > think we want to open all the same programs and windows every time we
> > restart the computer.
> >
> > As far as how much I know about macs, I know that every time I've
> searched
> > for a utility to help out with a job it either costs us money (and my
> boss
> > does not like to part with money) or has to be done on a windows box.
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message----- From: Gene Crucean
> > Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 1:04 PM
> >
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Windows 8 - anyone?
> >
> > What? hehe. Is that whole $0.99 gonna break the bank for ya? Don't you
> > think all those hard working developers deserve a little money for
> > what they do for YOU?
> >
> > Regarding everything costing money: That's a complete load of crap
> > btw. There are TONSSS of free and open source apps/tools available for
> > OSX. There are even full blown package managers like yum/apt-get for
> > osx... just like linux.
> >
> > I respect your opinion... but to me, it just says a lot about how
> > little you know about the platform. It's HOT right now for development
> > and there are zillions of apps made for it every day. Well maybe not
> > "zillions" but there are a lot. ;)
> >
> --
> Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
> Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
> ** Freelance for hire **
> ~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
> personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
** *Freelance for hire* **

~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~

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