I developed one which uses Python/PyQT/SQL and perforce (was used
sucessfully on our last project which is about to be shipped), but
it's just for lighweight assets (.emdls). Basically all tracking is
done using SQL, storage and version control is left to perforce, with
only very lightweight wrapper library (I wrote it to simplify perforce
interactions only) to interface with asset manager.
It works on a higher level than just .emdl, deifning an asset as an
abstract database record/entity, so you can have an asset which
contains rigs, meshes etc. components. Component is defined as an
abstract class with only save/load methods (which come from packagae
specific custom module, so in theory should be easy to port to other
3d app) and a couple of properties like version and perforce path, so
it's easily extendable to any component type (obj, textures, fbx files
I even had some reference pictures etc.. as components within an
asset). It makes it easy to add custom properties like root node and
bone count for the rigs etc. All these components can be freely
instanced between multple assets, so you can have a rig shared between
multiple creatures, for example.

It is a push system, so when someone modfies and saves an asset,
everyone gets it automatically (there is a warning and choice to
cancel tho). We used it mainly for characters.

I am not sure about performance (load/save/sync speed) when attempting
this approach with caches/obj and other heavy data, but I'd think it's
mainly dependend on the speed of your network/servers during
sync/submit. For lightweight models it was very fast.

I generate thumbnails on save and they are stored as plain files in
perforce, also store connections between components in SQL records
(link withs coming from rig .emdl to mesh .emdl, envelopes, etc), they
are recreated on load, so there is no issue having connections between
different components or mutiple instances of the same assets in the
scene (evelopes and other stuff will connect correctly). QT takes care
of the infterface, it's all displayed in a tree like browser with

It's really nothing fancy, just simple database tracking with an
interface, doing all perforce work for the user in the background.
Having everything tracked in SQL database allowed easy comminuctations
with our animation production database and export/importscene building

I am sure it can be done quicker and better with help of tools like
Fabric Engine.

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 6:45 PM, Marc-Andre Carbonneau
<marc-andre.carbonn...@ubisoft.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We’re looking into archiving and building a library of assets we have.
> By assets I mean:
> 3D assets(.obj, .FBX, .abc, .emdl…) and
> 2D assets(reference images, textures, concept art…)
> How are you guys organizing all this in your studio?
> Do you use a system that’s both a viewer and a repository or you’re using
> regular windows folders along with a viewer?
> Thanks for any advice, info you can give me.


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