This is not an easy task to accomplish in Softimage, but it is doable.

I see two possible avenue I would explore:

1 - What I would try with Lagoa is emitting elastic particles for your rigid objects and make the elasticity very stiff. Make sure they have an ID based on the emitted mesh and a transformation relative to that emitter. Then, at every iteration, I'd figure out a way to average these particles transforms by ID to create a transform for the rigid particle group that I would apply to the rigid object. So the particle group (by ID) moves the mesh. Once you get that average tranform, I would overwrite these elastic particle positions by multiplying their saved relative transform by that new average transform and basically bring them back into a rest state. That'll avoid the rigid mass of particle to deform by their elastic properties and will allow proper collision for the liquid particles. You are forcing particle positions so it might insert some instabilities in the simulation, but I think it should work.

So to recap, you let the elastic group deform and interact with the liquid group in one iteration. Then you "undeform" the elastic group by their averages to bring them back to a stable state as if it where actually rigid. You then simply match the transform of your rigid objects to that of it's relative group average transform and you keep iterating.

That's one way.

2 - A second way would be by mixing Lagoa and Momentum. You would simply simulate the liquid by Lagoa with your Rigid Body meshes as collision object. So you would need a Deform Bodie with ICE controls, and your ICE controls would sample the closest Lagoa particles and create a force based on their average velocities. I think that would be doable as well.

I haven't tried any of these techniques myself, but that's where I would start experimenting.

Now if you need to do a big flood, you will probably need a lot of particles to have a nice looking simulation. I hope you have a good machine with a lot of memory and a lot of patience. Lagoa is best suited for smaller scale simulation. It's not the best for large scale liquid simulations. I would look into Houdini or Naiad (if it's still available after Autodesk bought them) for better and quicker results. Maybe even Realflow could be a better option. But if staying inside Softimage is a must, I would explore these two suggestions.

Good luck! Your going to need it.

Pablo Tufaro wrote:
Well, that may work...!

I will investigate a little bit on that one!

Thanks !


El 10/18/2012 4:03 PM, Oleg Bliznuk escribió:
Here is some work on liquid->rbd interaction
I think adding backward influence is much more easy task

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