More details on this, rectangle pick a knot while ctrl is down return extra
imagniary indice (like 3442 when there is only 4 knots) if:
-the knot is the 2nd one (indice =1)
-more than one knot is picked


2012/10/19 Ahmidou Lyazidi <>

> Hi
> I'm working on a tool that need to mimic rectangle selection on closed
> bezier curve's knots ,so when ctrl is down it toggle the selection.
> But pressing ctrl inside a custom tool also toggle snapping. Even with
> "in_ctxt.EnableSnapping(0);" I still have the snapping center
> that appears, and worst when picking the 2nd knot it return 2 hits , one
> is right and the other an undefined value...
> This happen only when ctrl is down and  registering it as a shortcut key
> didn't helped
> Afaik snapping should only work with the transform tool or when it is
> activated in a custom tool, right?
> Is there a way to completely disable the snapping tool while using a
> custom one?
> Brent, anyone?
> Cheers!!
> --
> Ahmidou Lyazidi
> Director | TD | CG artist

Ahmidou Lyazidi
Director | TD | CG artist

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