Just went through a few of the Pigeon impossible podcasts..
and although he mostly goes through some advanced principles,
while not going in detail of how to get to those results,
they're actually pretty condensed & good!  (and rather funny :) )

And I'm sure the rig itself from RRay.de would be of help for details.

Also, be sure to check-out this post!
www.si-community.com • Rigging Resources and FAQs <http://www.si-community.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2689>


On 21/01/2013 7:45 AM, Jason S wrote:

How about also going through a good premade rig as reference?

Perhaps would you have access to some,
otherwise I know there are at least a few rigs over at RRay.de <http://rray.de/xsi/>.

(Tip: search for "_ _rig" with a preceding space as opposed to just "rig",
to narrow results to all rigs without matching things like "o/_rig_/inal")

I don't know about each rig's quality, (& while not being a rigger)
but there is at least the "Walter Rig" from the excellent /*Pigeon Impossible*/ short
which I hardly think could possibly be all that bad if not exempliary.

Plus if you go to this blog post of his,
there are podcasts (with a few videos about rigging/animation)
that seem to cover at least a few good techniques.

This while playing with the actual rig itself, might be interesting :)


On 21/01/2013 5:52 AM, Matt Morris wrote:
Selling points for smaller shops has got to include being able to modify an enveloped mesh without losing your weights, uvs etc. And GATOR ;)

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