You could get the emit location's Point Position from this and the previous
frame, then do a linear interpolate between them with a random blend
between 0 and 1. Depends on the movement speed and the kinds of rotations
the sword is doing though - it could still look very square.

On 12 March 2013 18:03, Kris Rivel <> wrote:

> Any suggestions how to emit more particles when using two colliding or
> intersecting objects when the interaction is fast?  I have a sword slicing
> through a body and emitting particles based on the intersection.  It works
> but its very broken up as the interaction only happens for a few frames.
>  So I get a little blob of particles in spot, then a little blob somewhere
> else vs. a solid line.  Any suggestions?  Or should I just be doing
> something more manual and slow?  I don't want to waste my time if it won't
> work due to any limitation.
> Kris

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