Hey guys,

Just wanted to share a couple of very short videos we made that show the
stability of the GI in Redshift.
Unfortunately Youtube's compression kind of murdered the smoothness, but I
assure you that any artifacts you see in these videos are from compression
and not GI.

This video shows the dark side of a deforming gargoyle lit by physical sun
& sky.
25 seconds per frame for 1280x720 on a Core i7 3.07Ghz, 12GB RAM w/ NVIDIA
Geforce GTX 470.

This video shows the same gargoyle being lit *strictly *by light bouncing
off the floor.  The setup is a white spot light shining onto the floor (off
camera).  The red glow you see on the floor around the gargoyle is light
that has bounced off the floor, then off the gargoyle.
1 minute per frame for 1280x720 on a Core i7 3.07Ghz, 6GB RAM w/ NVIDIA
Geforce GTX 670.

We're still head-down fixing bugs and bringing new features online, but I
plan to spend some time making more (and better) videos soon.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Nicolas Burtnyk <nico...@redshift3d.com>wrote:


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