Sometimes when the opportunity presents itself (such as a weekend available to 
cache on a local machine) I like to save out the maximum density I can in a 
given timeframe simply because its easier to remove data than to not have it at 
all or build up density by interpolating between particles or the like.

In regards to simple workflows... I have a couple of easy-to-build compounds I 
keep handy (though its just as easy to build them as you go) one which assigns 
particles a random number between 1-100, another which tests for that value 
against a defined threshold for deletion or whatever. It makes it very quick to 
be able to build structures which act on a certain percentage of particles or 
to modulate other values with that number. 

By always using the same compound/logic I free myself from having to give it 
any particular attention or thought, I just drop the compounds in and know what 
I'm going to get. Simple but useful, and since it is (for better or worse) my 
own logic instead of one of the factory compounds I know what is happening 
under the hood and don't have to worry about unexpected results, pre-set 
contexts, or other caveats.

Same goes for a number of other simple tools - the most useful being one which 
returns a uniformly random vector of a defined magnitude. The factory 
"randomize by cone" compounds irritate me. :)

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