Hi Stephen, thanks for the reply.

I have looked at that and it works fine with particles but on an object the
same thing can't apply.

Here's where I have got to with my understanding, which is probably flawed.
Forces in particles are added using the simulate particles node, which is
like get data at previous frame, but a pre built internal node.
On an object there is no access to this. So I've tried 'get data at
previous frame', but I'm getting out of sim range errors.

I'm guessing something like the following. On the parent, find the velocity
vector by subtracting current position and last frame position. Add this to
the child, but this needs to be done using previous frame data, here I get
an error.
Without adding force each frame all I'm getting is a drag/offset effect, no

Hope that makes sense. Sorry a bit of a confusing brain dump.



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