Thanks Stephen I'm getting somewhere now. Have been away today so haven't
had a proper chance to work on it today but getting near with the few
minutes I had to try it out.
On Jul 11, 2013 10:46 AM, "Stephen Blair" <> wrote:

> This is for Apply Extrude Polygons but maybe it can help
> with-random-lengths-and-**random-insets/<>
> On 10/07/2013 6:54 PM, Matthew Graves wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to extrude selected polygons using Extrude Polygon Islands
>> (ok so far) and but set an individual transform for each polygon, so
>> polygon 2 might have translation of 1 in y and polygon 5 might be 7.
>> I have done this with a loop where each iteration deals with one polygon
>> extrusion however I would like a solution that does not use loops.
>> When I give the Extrude Polygon Islands a set for "polygon Index" it
>> picks the correct polygons but when I give it a per polygon set for
>> "transform" it either does not transform or picks the first transform in
>> the set only and applies that to all polygons (depending how I set it up).
>> Ideally I would have liked to pass it arrays of polygon Index and transform
>> but transform wont take arrays.
>> I will be very grateful if anyone can help
>> Thanks
>> Matt

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