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On Aug 1, 2013, at 11:05 PM, Andy Moorer <andymoo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi gang. I wanted to give a shout out to the folks who worked on Nike 
> Evolution, it just posted. Those who weren't involved, this is a pretty nice 
> story...
> A young studio, Royale, got interested in this ICE buzz and invited a number 
> of us from the list to visit the studio and work on a commercial. Their 
> designers had been watching cool stuff on ICE for a while, admiring Tim 
> Borgmanns work and the tools Eric was writing, and had tried Exocortex's 
> tools for maya. They decided this was pretty neat and when they got a chance 
> to reach out, they took it.
> The brief was to take what Digital Domain had accomplished (about a year 
> ago?) with "Biomorph" and introduce a new product with an effect similar to 
> the Biomorph knitting sequence... But with a small team, for a very short 
> produvtion duration and a fraction of the budget. 
> Oh and three commercials, not 1.
> These are the times we live in.
> Given this challenge, Royale turned to the ICE community they had been 
> eyeing... names were passed around and folks talked to and consulted. In the 
> end I wound up CG sup, leaning heavily on Ciaran Moloney as lighting lead and 
> Leonard Kotch as a tool builder. Steven Caron took a short break from 
> Whiskytree to lend a hand with some pipeline tools and general expertise, 
> Billy Morrison dove in with me on VFX, and aside from that we had the help 
> and assistance of Royale's maya artists and designers. And not a few of you 
> on the list helped by offering the studio names and advice when contacted.
> So the job was greenlit and we started the clock - about three weeks, from 
> installing Softimage to delivery. 
> http://youtu.be/932FiLPe4kc
> We rented a farm and populated it with 25 Arnold nodes, the folks at 
> SolidAngle were awesome, plugged everything in and made the spot. Our 
> principal tool was ICE, specifically a very cool and robust system Leonard 
> Kotch put many hard hours in to create which we called "LKFabric" and 
> inspired by the example Psyop's Jonah Froedman has set earlier, Anto's "knit 
> the strands," and earlier work Polynoid did with their "carbon" spot.
> Leonard went all the way with LKFabric... it let us manage some of the 
> complexity of trying to get the major components of the shoe to weave 
> themselves procedurally, from fibers, to threads, to cloth. Because the next 
> spot, which we're wrapping up right now, required us to get in on individual 
> fibers in extreme macro shots, Leonard built the system in an abstracted out 
> manner, unsimulated, and supporting motion blur etc. I would send him pages 
> and pages of feedback and requests, and he chewed away at it like a trouper. 
> Pretty outstanding Leonard, I owe you many beers. 
> Royale has been kind enough to agree to share the system out to the 
> community, through Leonard, some time after the final project wraps.
> Ciaran, Billy and Steven worked similarly hard and with the same good cheer 
> we see so often here on the list. This is why I like Softimage so much, it 
> attracts artists of this calibre and can do mindset. I should add that 
> emTools, emTopo and polygonizer were used as well, though largely in the 
> design phase and for an effect that was later cut (no fault of the tools lol 
> the idea just didn't gel with the client.) Thanks Eric!
> It's very rare for a small studio with literally no staff using Softimage to 
> get excited over ICE and have the courage to jump in with it no hold barred, 
> for multiple spots, like Royale did. I can't express more admiration for 
> their willingness to try something new and embrace ICE the way they did for 
> these jobs.
> The results may not be earth shattering but the client and the studio are 
> happy and the other ice-heavy spot is looking cool too. In a time where we 
> are all concerned with where Softimage may be headed it was really gratifying 
> having a maya studio step out of their comfort zone and place all their chips 
> on Softimage with one of their major clients like that.
> So I wanted to take a minute to share the story and thank the people on this 
> list who contributed, both those of us who worked on the project directly and 
> the guys who extended advice and friendship to the studio willing to take a 
> chance on softimage like Todd Akita, Rob Chapman, the gang over at Whiskytree 
> and many others. Thanks guys.

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