Super movie, super story and super pluggin !

Le 02/08/2013 12:56, Leonard Koch a écrit :
This was intense but fun.
LK Fabric is indeed soon coming to a Softimage near you.
Thanks for the write-up Andy!

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Vladimir Jankijevic < <>> wrote:

    Very cool! This should actually be something for Autodesk to make
    a Marketing Case out of it. This is how Softimage should be
    marketed and sold. This is the real power of the tool we all are
    using day in day out. Congrats to all involved!


    On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 4:53 AM, Darren Macpherson
    < <>> wrote:

        Awesome spot guys, well done to everyone involved.  Thanks for
        sharing Andy, a nice little ray of Soft sunshine after some
        heavy reading on the list this week.  Looking forward to
        seeing the others.


-- darren macpherson | 3d artist | +2772 355 0924
        <tel:%2B2772%20355%200924> |
        <> | skype: darren.macpherson

        On 2013/08/02 06:05 AM, Andy Moorer wrote:
        Hi gang. I wanted to give a shout out to the folks who worked
        on Nike Evolution, it just posted. Those who weren't
        involved, this is a pretty nice story...

        A young studio, Royale, got interested in this ICE buzz and
        invited a number of us from the list to visit the studio and
        work on a commercial. Their designers had been watching cool
        stuff on ICE for a while, admiring Tim Borgmanns work and the
        tools Eric was writing, and had tried Exocortex's tools for
        maya. They decided this was pretty neat and when they got a
        chance to reach out, they took it.

        The brief was to take what Digital Domain had accomplished
        (about a year ago?) with "Biomorph" and introduce a new
        product with an effect similar to the Biomorph knitting
        sequence... But with a small team, for a very short
        produvtion duration and a fraction of the budget.

        Oh and three commercials, not 1.

        These are the times we live in.

        Given this challenge, Royale turned to the ICE community they
        had been eyeing... names were passed around and folks talked
        to and consulted. In the end I wound up CG sup, leaning
        heavily on Ciaran Moloney as lighting lead and Leonard Kotch
        as a tool builder. Steven Caron took a short break from
        Whiskytree to lend a hand with some pipeline tools and
        general expertise, Billy Morrison dove in with me on VFX, and
        aside from that we had the help and assistance of Royale's
        maya artists and designers. And not a few of you on the list
        helped by offering the studio names and advice when contacted.

        So the job was greenlit and we started the clock - about
        three weeks, from installing Softimage to delivery.

        We rented a farm and populated it with 25 Arnold nodes, the
        folks at SolidAngle were awesome, plugged everything in and
        made the spot. Our principal tool was ICE, specifically a
        very cool and robust system Leonard Kotch put many hard hours
        in to create which we called "LKFabric" and inspired by the
        example Psyop's Jonah Froedman has set earlier, Anto's "knit
        the strands," and earlier work Polynoid did with their
        "carbon" spot.

        Leonard went all the way with LKFabric... it let us manage
        some of the complexity of trying to get the major components
        of the shoe to weave themselves procedurally, from fibers, to
        threads, to cloth. Because the next spot, which we're
        wrapping up right now, required us to get in on individual
        fibers in extreme macro shots, Leonard built the system in an
        abstracted out manner, unsimulated, and supporting motion
        blur etc. I would send him pages and pages of feedback and
        requests, and he chewed away at it like a trouper. Pretty
        outstanding Leonard, I owe you many beers.

        Royale has been kind enough to agree to share the system out
        to the community, through Leonard, some time after the final
        project wraps.

        Ciaran, Billy and Steven worked similarly hard and with the
        same good cheer we see so often here on the list. This is why
        I like Softimage so much, it attracts artists of this calibre
        and can do mindset. I should add that emTools, emTopo and
        polygonizer were used as well, though largely in the design
        phase and for an effect that was later cut (no fault of the
        tools lol the idea just didn't gel with the client.) Thanks Eric!

        It's very rare for a small studio with literally no staff
        using Softimage to get excited over ICE and have the courage
        to jump in with it no hold barred, for multiple spots, like
        Royale did. I can't express more admiration for their
        willingness to try something new and embrace ICE the way they
        did for these jobs.

        The results may not be earth shattering but the client and
        the studio are happy and the other ice-heavy spot is looking
        cool too. In a time where we are all concerned with where
        Softimage may be headed it was really gratifying having a
        maya studio step out of their comfort zone and place all
        their chips on Softimage with one of their major clients like

        So I wanted to take a minute to share the story and thank the
        people on this list who contributed, both those of us who
        worked on the project directly and the guys who extended
        advice and friendship to the studio willing to take a chance
        on softimage like Todd Akita, Rob Chapman, the gang over at
        Whiskytree and many others. Thanks guys.

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