Unfortunately now Autodesk needs to have the same set of cahoonies, to make the 
app we all wish to use ;)
From: Luc-Eric Rousseau [luceri...@gmail.com]
Sent: 03 August 2013 07:10 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: OT: Yost Group - related to the Naiad/SIGGRAPH discussion

On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Angus Davidson
<angus.david...@wits.ac.za> wrote:
> I always felt 3dsR4 was where it peaked . having to work with max 1 and 2 for 
> me wasn't a very pleasant experience. I was very grateful to move off off 
> that to a version of Softimage|DS
> I think the Autodesk management is underestimating how concerned their user 
> base has become.

Max 1 and 2 must have been a pretty tough time, given that it's a new
app that didn't work with any of the DOS plug-ins, and .. was written
for Windows NT, which nobody wanted to use or had the hardware for. (8
megs of RAM, are you crazy?)  This was a time when people were still a
couple years away from giving up hacking their config.sys and
autoexec.bat to tweak the 640k DOS memory. Of course XSI had it owns
OS choice issues and is still trailing the old SI|3D in animation
performance as well.  Still, being the vastly popular plug-in platform
that it is, Max is the app we all wish we could have made.
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