Hi Luc-eric

I kinda suspected that was the case. It might be worth updating the FAQ just to 
state that. However it shows just how far out of touch the people making the 
decisions are. Even if your in the very lucky position that you are not forced 
by some or other constraint to use a specific version, very few folks will run 
the latest and greatest on a commercial project because it just hasn't been 
proven. The risk of running into a project halting bug is just too great.

And with the greatest respect to Chris and the rest of the team the turnaround 
on fixing those kinds of bugs just isnt fast enough to warrant the additional 

On the positive side South Africa is now included in the ARC program. This 
means we can apply for up to 125 seats for free. Educational seems to be the 
only AD$K division that has an actual policy and a plan. However thats only 
going to last so long before the competition does likewise.

Kind regards


From: Luc-Eric Rousseau [luceri...@gmail.com]
Sent: 09 September 2013 08:28 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Softimage Rental?

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Angus Davidson
<angus.david...@wits.ac.za> wrote:
> Apart from the glaring omission of SI from that list the things that worries 
> me in the FAQ is that rental options dont have previous version rights. 
> Unless I have read that incorrectly your SOL if your client needs you to work 
> on a older version.
> One wonders how much if any thought has gone into this at all.

Presently, that's not technical possible anyway, as the older builds
cannot deal with the new kind of licensing implementation.  Only 2014
SP1 and up can.
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